How a court determines what is in a child’s best interest

  • May 2024 signaled significant amendments to the Family Law Act 1975
  • Section 60CC tells us how a court determines what is in a child’s best interests
  • The changes have abolished the old two-phase approach of primary and secondary considerations
  • New general considerations with a focus on safety

Urban Separation Checklist

  • Feeling overwhelmed?
  • You need a checklist to help figure out what to do when you are separating.
  • Download this guide
  • Consult an experienced family lawyer
  • Privacy and safety is paramount in any separation
  • Keeping a diary helps you remember key information

Child Impact Report Guide – what is is and how to prepare?

  • Stay child focused!
  • Don’t make personal attacks on the other parent.
  • Share how you can support your child/ren’s needs.
  • Raise any concerns for your child/ren’s welfare and what you think could assist.
  • Acknowledge that you understand the concerns raised by the other parent.

Family Law Property Settlement – what are you entitled to?

  • Understand what is taken into account in determining your entitlements
  • You need to identify & value the assets and liabilities
  • Assess contributions
  • Identify future needs
  • Look at whether it is fair in the circumstance to divide the property

Community Expert Guide: 3 easy ways to confidently calm your child in a meltdown

  • Practical guide on how to confidently calm your child in a meltdown
  • How to accept children’s emotions but not their behaviours
  • How to help children how to articulate their emotions
  • How to understand how your child is feeling and align with their values
  • Written by expert life and parenting coach Lidia Georgy

How To Save Money On Your Lawyer’s Fees

  • Batch communications
  • Think big picture/long term gain
  • Unless it is a fixed-price fee, we charge based on time, that will include emails, texts, phone calls
  • Keep communication concise
  • We are happy to give you are time but that comes at a cost

Any questions? Book a free intro consultation with us today to discuss how we can help.